Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) Course

The 9 Benefits of Bitter Leaves and How To Apply in Fish Farm

The 9 benefits of bitter leaves in your fish farm are what you must know in order to reap the full benefits of the application of bitter leaves.

In this post, we are going to explore the 9 benefits of bitter leaves on your farm and also how to apply the bitter leaves on your farm. 

Using bitter leaves (also known as Vernonia amygdalina) in fish farming can offer several benefits. Here are some of the main advantages:

1. Natural Antimicrobial Properties

Bitter leaves have natural antimicrobial and antifungal properties, which can help reduce the incidence of infections in fish. These properties make them effective in preventing and controlling diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, and parasites, thus reducing the need for synthetic antibiotics and other medications.

2. Boosts Fish Immune System

The bioactive compounds found in bitter leaves, such as flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids, can help boost the immune system of fish. 

Regular inclusion of bitter leaves in the fish diet can enhance their natural defense mechanisms, making them more resistant to diseases and environmental stressors.

3. Promotes Healthy Digestion

Bitter leaves contain natural digestive enzymes and fibers that can aid in the digestion process of fish. 

They help in the breakdown of food particles and enhance nutrient absorption, which can lead to better growth rates and improved feed conversion ratios.

4. Natural Growth Promoter

Some studies have indicated that incorporating bitter leaves into fish diets can act as a natural growth promoter. The presence of essential vitamins and minerals, along with bioactive compounds, helps stimulate appetite and metabolism, leading to increased growth performance and healthier fish.

5. Water Quality Improvement

Bitter leaves can contribute to improving water quality in fish ponds. When used appropriately, they can help maintain a balanced microbial environment, reducing harmful pathogens and promoting beneficial microorganisms that contribute to a healthier aquatic ecosystem.

6. Cost-Effective and Readily Available

Bitter leaves are often more cost-effective and readily available compared to commercial antibiotics and growth promoters. This makes them a sustainable option, particularly for small-scale and subsistence fish farmers who may have limited access to expensive fish medications.

The good news is that you can easily plant bitter leaves on your farm or backyard. Simply cut the branch of a bitter leave plant and plant it. Water it, and it will grow leaves and grow. If it’s a rainy season, it will grow faster.

I just planted a branch of it and within two (2) months I started using the leaves. You can save the cost of commercial medicine by using bitter leaves on your farm.

bitter leave plant and the benefits to fish

Bitter leave plant

7. Environmentally Friendly

Using bitter leaves as a natural supplement is an environmentally friendly practice. Unlike synthetic chemicals, which can have negative effects on the ecosystem, bitter leaves are biodegradable and do not contribute to chemical pollution in the water bodies. 

Bitter leaves don’t release harmful chemicals to the water bodies and the environment therefore making them friendly. 

8. Reduces Stress in Fish

Bitter leaves have been noted for their calming effects, which can help reduce stress levels in fish. Lower stress levels lead to healthier fish and reduce the risk of stress-induced diseases and mortality.

When your fish is been through stress, it could be during transportation, a change of water, sorting, or harvesting of them. Then adding bitter leaves to the fish pond will reduce the stress in the fish.

9. Enhances Fish Flavor

In some cases, feeding fish with bitter leaves has been reported to enhance the taste and quality of the fish. 

The natural compounds in the leaves may contribute to a more desirable flavor profile, which can be beneficial for commercial fish farmers focusing on quality fish production.

How To Apply Bitter Leaves in Your Fish Farm

I’m going to explain 3 methods of applying bitter leaves to your fish farm. The last one is my favorite and most recommended method. So read to the end because that is what I often use on my farm. Though I use the other methods as well.

Method 1

With this method, you simply pluck the leaves, wash them clean, and cut them into small pieces. You can use a knife, free hand, or whichever way that suits you. After that, you throw them into the fish pond bit by bit. The fish will then swallow it and it’s effective in treating stomach pains of the fish.

Please note that this method is effective for grown fish and not fingerlings or small ones. 3 months and above fish can be treated with this method.

Also note that, in order for the fish to eat the bitter leaves, make sure they are not fed that day before the application. When they are hungry, they will eat it more than when they are not hungry. So take note of these.

Method 2

This method involves mixing the bitter leaves with their feed and feeding them with it.

With this method, you pluck the leaves and wash them thoroughly. After washing, you grind it to smooth pieces using a pestle and mortar or whichever means is available for you. Remember the saying that “A man throws a stick that is in his hand”.

Then carefully mix it with their feed. Whichever type of feed it will be, it could be pelleted and floating feed. Gently mix them together. After mixing it, you then feed the fish with it.

bitter leaves, pestle and mortar, benefits of bitter leaves and how to apply it.

pestle, mortar, and bitter leaves

Method 3

The last and my favorite method is the preparation of the bitter leaves in the form of a solution and gently poor the solution into the fish pond.

After plucking and washing the bitter leaves clean, you grind them again with the same means I mentioned in method 2. 

After that, add more water to a container with the ground bitter leaves. A gentle squeeze and remove the fiver of the bitter leaves. You can even sieve it through a net. 

After this, gently pour the solution or the prepared liquid into the fish pond. Don’t pour into one area. Spread it across the pond and allow the fish to swim through. 

Note: to make it more effective, it is good to reduce the water level in the pond. Mixing in a small water will make the concentration higher and more effective. After that, you then top up the water.

It’s ideal to do this in the morning as the weather is still cool, especially during hot seasons. Or you can do it in the evening but the morning is best.


In this post the 9 benefits of bitter leaves and how to apply it in fish farms, I’ve explored, practically, the various ways by which I treat my fish with bitter leaves. 

I have also explored the 9 benefits of bitter leaves just for you to appreciate and be successful in your fish farm journey. 

For more success, you can check out this post The Secrets to Successful Fish Farming with Our Comprehensive Guide

Thank you for reading and don’t forget to share this post and also comment.

Abdul Aziz Issah
Abdul Aziz Issah

With a solid background in fish farm management, I’ve successfully established and operated a flourishing fish farm for about a year now. Over this period, I have gained invaluable experience that I am eager to share with fish farmers, whether they are beginners or seasoned experts.

This blog is dedicated to empowering fish farmers to maximize their profits through the pool of knowledge and practical insights I will be sharing. Whether you are venturing into fish farming for commercial purposes or as a hobby, you have come to the right place. I am here to guide you every step of the way.

Articles: 113

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